Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

The story of a pair of Birds ...

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Birds also have feelings and can be sad.
Click image to view animated slides

A female bird was lying on the court with a severe body condition.

Male spouse brought food to the female with love and emotion.

When the male was feeding him, soon after the females lay dead. 
The male was devastated and tried to lift it.
The male bird finally realized that his beloved spouse has died. 
He then "crying" in front of his idol who has been lying dead stiff.
take a stand beside the body of the mother bird, the male then "shout
in a voice that is very sad.

The male bird realized that his beloved spouse has left and will not be able
to live again with him. 
He stood beside the body of the female with sadness and deep sorrow.

The pair of birds was reported in a photograph taken in the territory of the
Republic of Ukraine, 
while the male bird was trying to save the female partner.  
Millions of people in America and Europe shed tears after seeing these pictures.

Diposkan oleh Livia Novita Kaseger

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Qian HongYan - Gadis Puntung yang masih tersenyum menyambut dunia

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Qiang HongYan - Basket Ball Girl
Qian Hongyan mengalami kecelakaan dan kehilangan kedua kakinya
bahkan pinggulnya, dan perlu mencari jalan keluar.
Qian Hongyan had to have her legs removed after a car accident, 
but has managed to find a new way of moving around.

Qian Hong Yan - Basket Ball Girl
Keluarganya di Cina miskin dan tidak dapat membeli kaki palsu, maka ia menggunakan bola basket untuk memudahkan gerakannya.
Qian Hongyan juga dikenal sbg Basket Ball Girl.
Her family in China are poor and couldn’t afford false legs, so she uses a basketball
to help her move.

Qian HongYan menggunakan dua sanggah kayu
Qian menggunakan dua sangga kayu untuk menyeret tubuhnya dan tidak mengeluh, 
walau dia telah gonta ganti bola basket 6 kali.
Qian uses two wooden props to drag herself,
and never complains, 
even though she has worn through six basketballs.

ia tetap ke sekolah..
ia tetap ke sekolah, walaupun harus bersusah payah ke sana.

senyuman Qian HongYan
Dan.. ia tetap tersenyum menyambut dunia
Dan.. ia tetap tersenyum menyambut dunia
Dan.. ia tetap tersenyum menyambut dunia
Qian Hong Yan - Basket Ball Girl
Dan.. ia tetap tersenyum menyambut dunia

Setelah bbrp lama, Ada yang berbaik hati dan menyumbangkan kedua kaki palsu untuk Qian HongYan
senyuman Qian HongYan
kaki palsu Qian
kaki palsu
kaki palsu
kaki palsu
Menghibur Teman Senasib  :)
Happy dan Tetap Tersenyum menyambut dunia ini

Sumber: www.yauhui.net