Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Love vs Lust

In this era of love and lust as though the term has
difference is very thin. Often times many people can not distinguish
love and lust. What we think is true love
is lust. Often thought of love but of lust that arises is
This is terrible ...
In married life, which brings together
we are with a partner is in love
Despite the challenges and tremendous storm,
long as there is genuine love that binds marriage, then
Marriage will remain strong. And which seeks to
divorce us with our spouse is lust
lately a lot of divorces happen, well ...
it was caused by the work of passion.
Lust, selfish king and the princess in our lives.

Difference of love and lust?
love is love that gives and sacrifices
while lust is taking and look for
their own advantage.
Love is something we give
to others even though it will have to sacrifice
yourself. Instead of lust is to find
their own advantage even if it means sacrificing
other people. Love is acceptance.
While the desire to prosecute all
accordance with the wishes.
A relationship, marriage, family, ministry,
and whatever we do should
based on love, not lust.
Love brings together a relationship while
desire to divorce a relationship.
Where there is love there is unity, where
no appetite then there will be no split.
Love is the seed of God while Lust
comes from the devil.
In the Bible, James reminded the church
about the dangers of lust.
Lust makes people envy, contention, 
chaos, and all evil deeds we.  
look at  Bible James 3:16

Come early in the new year
We started walking in the path of God
have a genuine love for
our spouse, marriage, family
work, whatever we do,
shun lust ..
so in this new year we
will always take
Peace in life and
we will always receive a blessing from God.
always keep your hearts and our lives.
God Love us  

Diposkan oleh Livia Novita Kaseger

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

milikilah kasih yang sejati bukan nafsu
praise God...

Anonim mengatakan...

thank you,, i miss u