Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

"Former" Lover on the Way of Love

The word "former"
is not foreign to the hearing
but has become a common word, 
but a lot of good memories 
through stories spontaneously in the mind. 
Of all the former must be one of the impressive 
but after the passage of time passed when 
we begin to grow old maturity level increased 
and the various experiences of life had passed. 
It must itself be a human being faced
with a condition to make a decision choosing 
who our spouse once and for all. 
When God is bringing us to a person 
called a soulmate then our conversation
would lead to the continuation of the marriage relationship. 
Every man has his own plans, 
but God who determines what the design right for us.
Many couples experience a smooth 
wedding safe peaceful
but there are also couples face the gravel 
boulder and make it fall. 
The image of the former may be one trigger 
of a relationship rift. 
Distrust or lack of empathy, arrogant,
selfish, feeling himself able to
their partners.
When we decided to have a relationship with someone, 
limits how to communicate 
with the former seems to be aware of. 
So that misunderstandings 
do not occur between us and him. 
A slight chance we give to our former, 
then at that moment the flame will begin to burn
burning hearts and our lives. 
So jealous said ... will approach our partners. 
Not only that our partners will feel betrayed
hurt prolonged his life.
The question whether we need to establish
a good relationship with the former? 
Is it legitimate? because after all "former" 
is a person who has special in our hearts.
The answer is returned to us each
one thing to should
observed today is a special WHO for now
Remember the former remains 
of former so normal
but that is now available on our side,
who accompanied understand us love us
care about us he was the partner.
Take your day with sincerity
He loved that there was
He loved that there was
respect he is no
Our relationship with our spouse is Grace from God.

Diposkan oleh Livia Novita Kaseger

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

kalau kasusnya ud menyangkut "mantan"...
kayaknya sulit deh buat pasangan kita...
wajar-wajar aja sih...
menurut aku tidak ada salahnya kali...kita menjalin hub yang baik dengan "mantan".

Livia Novita Kaseger mengatakan...

former lover just a story :)

Anonim mengatakan...

bye my lover