Selasa, 13 Maret 2012


Learn to smile when trouble comes 

 Still look attractive even in a time of fastin

 Harmless as doves so do not cheat, so wise as serpents do not be deceived (wise)

Should not forget the origin do not forget prayer wallet

Have the faith that can see opportunities in difficulties and not see difficulty in opportunity

Serve the Lord with the gifts that God gives, since many are able to (serve) but do not want to and many are willing but not able to

Make your offerings to worship and not regret

Serve the Lord with joy and not with the love-love

Choose foods according to your needs, not wants

Christian Be critical but not a full critique

Better to dwell thou and thought a fool than a lot of talk and prove you a fool 
(Prov. 17: 28)

teach the Bible as a "tonic" and not "Sleep Medicine"

Take a right, not what you thought was right

Accept others as they are, not "no ass

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